Annual Action Plan
Annual Action Plan - Shorewood Elementary
3 Year Vision (SIP)
Shorewood Elementary will engage in a data driven assessment culture that is public, asks all stakeholders to be vulnerable in sharing their practice, schedules time for regular data use, takes an intentional structured approach to differentiation, and infuses a data mindset. Everyone works together to foster academic and social emotional growth through collective collaboration and weekly check ins around student growth goals.
Students will engage in a cycle of formative assessment that allows them to be active participants in their learning. The cycle involves self assessment, accepting and providing peer to peer feedback, making and monitoring short and long term goals based on success criteria, reflecting on learning successes and growth toward essential standards, and communicating progress to families.
Adults will engage in PLCs that focus on high levels of learning for ALL students. We will ensure that all students acquire essential knowledge, skills and dispositions of each unit, course and grade level. We will create a collaborative culture where everyone takes collective responsibility for the success of each student. Working interdependently will impact classroom practice and provide results rather than intentions. Our PLCs will focus on measurable improvement goals and common formative assessments.
Annual Action Plan (AAP)
AAP – Literacy and Math
Shorewood’s 2020/21 Annual Action Plan (AAP) for Academics was developed using the following two diagrams. With the “Unpacking Formative Assessment” document, staff identified areas of focus from previous AAPs (ex. Clarifying, sharing and understanding learning intentions) and then determined our next steps for our work in 20/21 based on a trajectory that made sense for our staff and students. The document was also a reminder to explicitly name the impact of our work on student achievement and not just on the impact on adult practice.
With the SFUSD Math Norms document below, we wanted to calibrate our AAP focus strategies with our classrooms’ math norms. This document helped us intentionally consider these important norms.
Literacy: 14/20 1st-5th grade students will meet or exceed their iReady Typical Growth Goal from their Fall Diagnostic to their Spring Diagnostic.
Math: 14/20 1st-5th grade students will meet or exceed their iReady Typical Growth Goal from Fall Diagnostic to their Spring Diagnostic.
ELL: 10/20 students who are at least four years ELL will score proficient on the 2020 ELPA21.
Focus Strategies:
1. Teacher Strategy: What teaching strategy will build on our students’ strengths and is aligned with the work we have been doing over the last 5 years?
- Teachers learn how to give Feedback across all content areas in a variety of ways and in a variety of structures to maximize their feedback’s power to improve student achievement, and increase student independence and ownership of their learning
- Offer clear, authentic feedback that uses standards’ language so Standards Based Grading is supported.
- Align our work with our district focus on Rubrics, using resources developed by our district to enhance our professional learning on the topic. Hattie’s literature on Rubrics will also be a resource for our professional learning
- Use the formative assessment cycle, including teacher feedback, to inform teaching team’s collective commitments around how to respond to trends in data. (PLC Q#2 - How do we know they are learning it? and Q#3 - How do we respond when they don’t learn it?)
- Teachers support students in seeking and valuing feedback, helping them know what to do with it.
2. Student Strategy: As a result of the teaching strategy, what skills will be developed in students that they will acquire and apply, in order to master grade level standards?
- Students developing skills in receiving feedback:
- Acknowledge and accept feedback
- Value and understand purpose of feedback and generalize across all content areas.
- Paraphrase feedback as part of dialogue with peers about the teacher feedback received
- Articulate a clear next step from feedback that moves them closer to standard mastery (and uses standard language)
- Leads to ability to think critically about and improve one’s own work independently
- Student-initiated feedback
- Peer to peer feedback: Build off student discourse structures (focus of AAPs from 2-5 years ago) to use for peer to peer feedback, to develop student ownership of the idea that everyone in class contributes--through verbal and non-verbal communication, and to improve students’ ability to build on each other’s ideas
- Self-assessment based on rubric – students becoming competent in evaluating pieces of work, including their own work
AAP – Socio-Emotional Learning
Shorewood’s SEL AAP was informed by the Social Justice Standards. As a PBIS team and, later, as a whole staff, we reviewed all of these standards to determine one that we would focus on with students and adults.
14/20 K-5th grade students will answer usually or always to the student survey question, “I know how to speak up when someone is being hurt by bias”.
Focus Strategy:
Use morning meetings, Second Step curriculum, and social studies curriculum to teach students skills around the following Social Justice Standard: SJS - Action #18. Students will speak up with courage and respect when they or someone else has been hurt or wronged by bias.
AAP - Race and Identity
Shorewood’s IRI AAP is informed by our district’s teacher professional learning guidance and classroom instruction guidance for schools in Phase 1 of implementation of IRI, along with School Board Policy 0010 - P5.
Procedure 0010 P5 – INSTRUCTION ON RACE & IDENTITY requires us to provide instruction on race and identity so that students learn about how race and other elements of identity function in society.
To support students learning about how race and other elements of identity function in society, teachers will show growth of at least one level on a likert scale for the question “I feel comfortable supporting critical conversations on race and identity with my students” from a pre-test in October to a post test given after the 5 hours of professional learning on the topic.
Focus Strategies:
Teacher Professional Learning for 2020-21:
● 5 hrs of facilitated sessions to establish a culture to support critical conversations on race
○ With central office guidance: 1 hr in Fall 2020, 1 hr in Winter 2020
○ School-directed: 3 hrs
● 1 hr facilitated planning session to support implementation of 3+ hours of instruction
Fall 2020 R&I Instruction:
Carry out lessons, meetings, activities, and/or advisory sessions that address:
● Relationship-building in every class
● Uncovering injustices as appropriate based on content/class